One of the critical operations in Algebra is division of polynomials. The four terms involved in it are: Dividend, Divisor, Quotient and Remainder. They are […]
Laplace and Inverse Laplace Transformation
Invented by the French mathematician Pierre-Simon Laplace in 1800s, Laplace is very popular in the universe of Electrical Engineering, for it has various practical applications. So, what […]
exact and homogenous differential equations
This in in continuation to the last blog post in which we talked about the basics, separable type and linear type differential equation. If you […]
What is a differential equation?
I know the feeling. This topic has a tendency not to fall in our comfort zone. But if we take this up systematically, things can […]
What is a Quadratic Equation
Outline: What does Quadratic mean? Oops, not 2. It means square. So, a polynomial of degree 2, when equated to 0 gives Quadratic equation. Customarily, […]
Trigonometry – Properties of functions
This is in continuation to our last blog post, Trigonometry – Understanding Ratios, in which we discussed about trigonometric ratios (or functions). If you haven’t […]
Trigonometry – Understanding ratios
Defining trigonometry: When we hear this word, various angles and ratios start circling around our head. It is indeed valid, as “Trigono” means three and […]
Intersection of two curves
This is rather a broad concept which is not only related to Math but also extends to Physics as well. Procedure: For any two curves […]
The Chain Rule
Whether it is Calculus AB or Calculus BC, being completely fluent in taking the derivative of almost any function is imperative.At minimum, you should know […]