1) Me gustaría comprar un pasaje hacia Nueva York, por
When visiting an airport, it is essential to know how to book a ticket. To do this we will use the expression “Me gustaría comprar un pasaje” + the name of the destination (in this case the destination is Nueva York). This expression could be translated as “I would like to book a ticket to New York, please”.
Keywords or phrases:
Me gustaría (I would like)
Pasaje (Ticket)
Comprar (to buy)
Por favor (Please)
2) ¿Puedo ver su pasaporte, por favor?
In this case, the airport employee asks us to show him our passport. A common request.
Keywords or phrases:
Puedo ver (Can I see…)
Su pasaporte (Your passport)
3) ¿Puedo ver su visa, por favor?
When an airport employee asks you “¿puedo ver su visa por favor?” he or she is asking you to show him or her your Visa. It means “Can I see your visa, please?”
Keywords or phrases:
Su visa (Your Visa)
4)¿Puedo ver su tarjeta de embarque, por favor?
This question can be translated as: “Can I see your boarding pass, please?”
Keywords or phrases:
Su tarjeta de embarque (Your boarding pass)
5) He perdido mi equipaje, ¿con quién debería hablar?
If we lose our baggage, we can say “he perdido mi equipaje, ¿con quién puedo hablar?” This expression means “I have lost my baggage, who should I speak to?
Keywords or phrases:
He perdido (I have lost)
Mi equipaje (My baggage)
Debería hablar (should I speak to)
6) ¿Cuánto equipaje tiene para facturar?
This question means “How much baggage do you have to check-in?” The possible answers may vary depending on the context. Example: “Sólo esta” (Just this one)
Keywords or phrases:
Cuánto (How much)
Equipaje (Baggage)
Para facturar (To check-in)
Solo esta (Just this one)
7) ¿A qué hora está previsto que despegue/aterrice el avión?
This question can be very useful. It means “What time is the plane scheduled to take off/land?”
Keywords or phrases:
What time (A qué hora)
Está previsto/programado (Is scheduled)
Despegue/Aterrice (Take off/To land)
8) ¿Podría decirme cómo hago para llegar al hotel?
Once we have arrived at our destination, this question might be useful when we are trying to find out how to get to our hotel. The question means:
“Could you tell me how to get to my hotel?”
Keywords or phrases:
Podría decirme (Could you tell me)
Cómo hago (How to)
Llegar al hotel (Get to the hotel)
9) El vuelo 623ab ha sido cancelado
This sentence means that flight 623ab has been canceled.
Keywords or phrases:
Vuelo (Flight)
Ha sido (Has been)
10) ¿Dónde está la oficina de objetos perdidos?
This question means “Where is the lost and found office?”. This sentence can be useful in case you lose something during your stay at the airport.
Keywords or phrases:
Dónde está (Where is…)
Objetos perdidos (Lost objects)
11) ¿Llegará/saldrá el vuelo a horario?
If we want to be sure that our flight will arrive on time, we can ask: ¿Llegará el vuelo a tiempo? It means: Is the flight on time?
Keywords or phrases:
Llegará (Will arrive…)
A horario (On time)
12) Nos gustaría invitar ahora a todos los pasajeros de la zona 1 a abordar el avión.
Phrases like this will help us to know when it is our turn to board the flight. It means”Now we would like to invite all passengers in zone 1 to board the flight”. In other words, it is specifying who are the passengers who must board the flight, which is very common in airports. Other examples similar to zone 1 are zone 2, first-class, economy class, business class, etc.
Keywords or phrases:
Nos gustaría (We would like)
Invitar (Invite)
Los pasajeros (The passengers)
Abordar el avión (To board the airplane)
13) Todos los vuelos de American Airlines se han retrasado una hora.
This sentence is something that passengers don’t like to hear at the airport: “All American Airlines flights have been delayed one hour”.
Keywords or phrases:
Todos los vuelos (All the flights)
Se han retrasado (has been delayed)